Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Support Project Pawsitive in Building Dog Houses for a Wolf Refuge in Need


Over the past 20 years, the Loki Clan Dog Refuge has rescued countless abandoned, neglected, abused, and unwanted wolf dogs. It is a lifelong home to wolf dogs that would otherwise face certain euthanasia. They are condemned by law and the refuge is indispensable for their conservation and protection.

The Dog House Building Project will ensure that each animal at Loki Clan Wolf Refuge will be provided their own shelter. There are 25 packs of wolf dogs currently on 70 acres of land. Replacement of the old, inadequate dog houses and replacing them with strong, secure, and safe dog houses means that these beautiful animals will be also be secure and safe. These dog houses are needed for the safety and well-being of these amazing creatures that must live out their lives in a protected environment like the Loki Clan Wolf Refuge.

All donations go directly to funding Project Pawsitive’s effort to coordinate their part in the project, build as many dog house kits off-site as possible and travel to the refuge’s location to assemble. In addition, Project Pawsitive films and produces a webisode to bring greater awareness to the rescue they are helping. This webisode provides great detail about the Loki Clan and how people can support their efforts to save wolf dogs in jeopardy. This additional effort drives greater awareness, donations, and volunteers to the cause Project Pawsitive supports.

About Project Pawsitive:

After many hours of hard, dirty work, clearing out debris and installing new flooring at the Salem Animal Rescue League, Project Pawsitive Foundation president Jill Sullivan Grueter looked at her team’s completed project with pride. “I could picture the rescue getting more people in to adopt because the place looked clean. It looked safe,” she gushed in a YouTube chronicle of the project, “It was an awesome feeling.” Animal shelters devote themselves to caring for neglected animals until they can be placed into loving homes, but a lack of funding or natural disasters can leave facilities damaged and potentially unsafe. That’s where the construction experts and business professionals of the Project Pawsitive Foundation team come in, giving their time and abilities to help shelters stay open and continue their work of saving animals in need. Project Pawsitive Foundation relies on donations and sponsorships, and strives to renovate four or more animal rescues each year.


via WordPress http://beautifulworld2013.wordpress.com/2013/07/24/support-project-pawsitive-in-building-dog-houses-for-a-wolf-refuge-in-need/

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