Friday, July 19, 2013

A Kickstarter Film Documentary about Autism in Las Vegas

Documentary to help autism via the arts and tech in Nevada.

by David Berkowitz

Our goal is to make a documentary about autistic people in Las Vegas, what is being done the programs, people & results, real life.

In April 2012, the Centers for Disease Control announced that 1 in 80 children are diagnosed with autism. This has drawn global attention with over 71 percent of Americans expressing interest in learning more about autism alone. We aim to capture how real autistic people in Las Vegas, NV are dealing with the realty of autism. Personally I have a vested interest in bringing attention to autism. I am a high functioning father of 3 autistic kids and I would like to tell my story of our lives with autism as well as others in Las Vegas and their experiences with autism. In addition we will illustrate what is being done to help autism in Nevada as well especially in programs targeted to music, the arts, dance, music therapy and theater related programs .This film is targeted towards those families impacted by autism. As mentioned earlier I truly have a vested interest in helping bring exposure to autism, autism awareness and the autism programs in Nevada.

I met Temple Grandin a couple of times and she says that arts saved her life. I was in band for 7 years myself and it certainly helped me.

In regards to the documentary it consists of:

1) A overview on some of the autism for profit and nonprofit in the Las Vegas especially the ones that are focused around the arts, music, technology and music therapy as well as respite programs. It will detail what is being done now as what will be done in the next 12 months to improve the lives of people with autism.

2) Interviews with 10+ families that have been affected by autism and their stories especially ones that have experienced beneficial programs involving music and the arts and what can be done to improve them as well as what has been effective.

3) Information on my experience with autism and that of my family as well as my intentions as far as trying to help people with autism via tech, music and the arts. I will elaborate as to our initial plans and long term goals to help autistic people via technology, music and the arts and what it will take to make it happen and the impact on the local autism community as well.

We plan to do local interviews with autism programs that are involved with tech music and the arts. We will talk to families of people with autism, their friends, if we can we will talk to the people with autism as to their thoughts and opinions of the benefits that the arts, autism programs and music have added to their lives and quality of life.

This film explores and will show how art, music and technology can help individuals with autism communicate and express themselves. We will also illustrate the benefits that the families of the folks with autism have as a form of respite and culture too.

We need your help to illustrate how the arts, music and tech have and can improve the lives of those with autism as well as their families.

The following is what we need help with:

We want to get our message out there to as many people as possible. Our intent is to submit the film produce a finished DVD for sale, on the web and maybe a film festival as well.

In order to do the film we need:

-Equipment to film the movie

-Equipment or outside services to edit the film

-Help to review, and make changes to improve the film

-Audio Editing and subtitling

- Final Color Correction

- Audio Mixing

- DVD Replication and Packaging

- Digital Cinematic Package production to screen in cinemas and festivals

- Festival submission costs

We’re asking for the minimum it will cost to get all this done, but every dollar we receive will help us accomplish our goal and distribute the film.


- Give what you can

- Tell everyone you know

- Help us spread the word

Thank you and we hope you love the film as much as we do.

via WordPress

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