Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Support Project Pawsitive in Building Dog Houses for a Wolf Refuge in Need


Over the past 20 years, the Loki Clan Dog Refuge has rescued countless abandoned, neglected, abused, and unwanted wolf dogs. It is a lifelong home to wolf dogs that would otherwise face certain euthanasia. They are condemned by law and the refuge is indispensable for their conservation and protection.

The Dog House Building Project will ensure that each animal at Loki Clan Wolf Refuge will be provided their own shelter. There are 25 packs of wolf dogs currently on 70 acres of land. Replacement of the old, inadequate dog houses and replacing them with strong, secure, and safe dog houses means that these beautiful animals will be also be secure and safe. These dog houses are needed for the safety and well-being of these amazing creatures that must live out their lives in a protected environment like the Loki Clan Wolf Refuge.

All donations go directly to funding Project Pawsitive’s effort to coordinate their part in the project, build as many dog house kits off-site as possible and travel to the refuge’s location to assemble. In addition, Project Pawsitive films and produces a webisode to bring greater awareness to the rescue they are helping. This webisode provides great detail about the Loki Clan and how people can support their efforts to save wolf dogs in jeopardy. This additional effort drives greater awareness, donations, and volunteers to the cause Project Pawsitive supports.

About Project Pawsitive:

After many hours of hard, dirty work, clearing out debris and installing new flooring at the Salem Animal Rescue League, Project Pawsitive Foundation president Jill Sullivan Grueter looked at her team’s completed project with pride. “I could picture the rescue getting more people in to adopt because the place looked clean. It looked safe,” she gushed in a YouTube chronicle of the project, “It was an awesome feeling.” Animal shelters devote themselves to caring for neglected animals until they can be placed into loving homes, but a lack of funding or natural disasters can leave facilities damaged and potentially unsafe. That’s where the construction experts and business professionals of the Project Pawsitive Foundation team come in, giving their time and abilities to help shelters stay open and continue their work of saving animals in need. Project Pawsitive Foundation relies on donations and sponsorships, and strives to renovate four or more animal rescues each year.


via WordPress http://beautifulworld2013.wordpress.com/2013/07/24/support-project-pawsitive-in-building-dog-houses-for-a-wolf-refuge-in-need/

Friday, July 19, 2013

A Kickstarter Film Documentary about Autism in Las Vegas

Documentary to help autism via the arts and tech in Nevada.

by David Berkowitz


Our goal is to make a documentary about autistic people in Las Vegas, what is being done the programs, people & results, real life.

In April 2012, the Centers for Disease Control announced that 1 in 80 children are diagnosed with autism. This has drawn global attention with over 71 percent of Americans expressing interest in learning more about autism alone. We aim to capture how real autistic people in Las Vegas, NV are dealing with the realty of autism. Personally I have a vested interest in bringing attention to autism. I am a high functioning father of 3 autistic kids and I would like to tell my story of our lives with autism as well as others in Las Vegas and their experiences with autism. In addition we will illustrate what is being done to help autism in Nevada as well especially in programs targeted to music, the arts, dance, music therapy and theater related programs .This film is targeted towards those families impacted by autism. As mentioned earlier I truly have a vested interest in helping bring exposure to autism, autism awareness and the autism programs in Nevada.

I met Temple Grandin a couple of times and she says that arts saved her life. I was in band for 7 years myself and it certainly helped me.

In regards to the documentary it consists of:

1) A overview on some of the autism for profit and nonprofit in the Las Vegas especially the ones that are focused around the arts, music, technology and music therapy as well as respite programs. It will detail what is being done now as what will be done in the next 12 months to improve the lives of people with autism.

2) Interviews with 10+ families that have been affected by autism and their stories especially ones that have experienced beneficial programs involving music and the arts and what can be done to improve them as well as what has been effective.

3) Information on my experience with autism and that of my family as well as my intentions as far as trying to help people with autism via tech, music and the arts. I will elaborate as to our initial plans and long term goals to help autistic people via technology, music and the arts and what it will take to make it happen and the impact on the local autism community as well.

We plan to do local interviews with autism programs that are involved with tech music and the arts. We will talk to families of people with autism, their friends, if we can we will talk to the people with autism as to their thoughts and opinions of the benefits that the arts, autism programs and music have added to their lives and quality of life.

This film explores and will show how art, music and technology can help individuals with autism communicate and express themselves. We will also illustrate the benefits that the families of the folks with autism have as a form of respite and culture too.

We need your help to illustrate how the arts, music and tech have and can improve the lives of those with autism as well as their families.

The following is what we need help with:

We want to get our message out there to as many people as possible. Our intent is to submit the film produce a finished DVD for sale, on the web and maybe a film festival as well.

In order to do the film we need:

-Equipment to film the movie

-Equipment or outside services to edit the film

-Help to review, and make changes to improve the film

-Audio Editing and subtitling

- Final Color Correction

- Audio Mixing

- DVD Replication and Packaging

- Digital Cinematic Package production to screen in cinemas and festivals

- Festival submission costs

We’re asking for the minimum it will cost to get all this done, but every dollar we receive will help us accomplish our goal and distribute the film.


- Give what you can

- Tell everyone you know

- Help us spread the word

Thank you and we hope you love the film as much as we do.


via WordPress http://beautifulworld2013.wordpress.com/2013/07/20/a-kickstarter-film-documentary-about-autism-in-las-vegas/

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Winsome Rites Kickstarter


Two nine-year old girls’ lives unexpectedly intersect as they struggle with the prospect of life beyond their control.

Child suicide is a rising problem in our increasingly complicated society. This is a short film about how two young girls deal with circumstances beyond their control.

This short film written and directed by Transversal Theater Company co-founder Bryan Reynolds is a passion project to increase awareness about child suicide while also giving two little girls their dream of being in a film.

Please support us in this exciting endeavor!


via WordPress http://beautifulworld2013.wordpress.com/2013/07/09/winsome-rites-kickstarter/

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Valta: energy usage simplified – #kickstarter



New Kickstarter project combines smartphone

and wireless technology to end energy waste

Toronto June 23, 2013 – Smartphone users will soon be able to control and monitor any electronic appliance in their home or office with the touch of a button, if a Toronto-based start-up has their way.

The valta system, as it’s called, launched this week on Kickstarter. It is a ‘smart’ outlet, phone app, and power system that creates an RF network and allows users to control and monitor devices in the home and office.

The valta system is designed to do things that other so-called ‘smart’ systems cannot do, say company representatives.

Standby power detection: Valta is the only product on the market place that can detect unused devices in standby mode, which enables us to send push message to your mobile device to remind you to turn it off. By doing this, valta aims to change user behavior to adopt a more sustainable usage pattern for the long term.

Geofencing: Valta’s app has the capability to detect whether you are at home or away automatically through your smartphone. A valta user can set the app to turn off devices when away from home, and turn back on upon arrival home. The system is designed to avoid “Ooops, I forgot” moments while at the same time saving energy.

Extremely low power usage: By leveraging 915 MHz RF, valta sockets use less energy than any of its competitors (0.6 watts). Most energy management solution uses Wi-Fi, which consumes more energy, and in many cases, more energy than the standby power consumption of the devices they are monitoring. Why should anyone use a power-saving system that might use more power itself?

Better connectivity: Most people use Wi Fi for their Internet connectivity, so interference is a given. By leveraging 915 MHz RF, valta gets better range and less interference than Wi Fi or other solutions. Valta sockets have a minimum range of 100 meters, while Wi-Fi modules typically have a range of 50 meters.

Sleek Design: Most similar products in the market place are clunky and impractical. Sockets are large and cover up the entire wall plug, which takes away from practicality of the product. Valta sockets are sleek and minimalistic and designed to look good in the home or office. Plugging one in does not interfere with the customers from using the other plug for other purposes.

For more information on the kickstarter launch visit http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/671204280/valta-energy-usage-simplified?ref=live

About Valta:

Valta was started to bring transparency to electricity usage. The company founders wanted the masses to understand how energy is being used and wasted, and what we can do about it. Most energy management systems only allow you to turn on-and-off electrical devices remotely. The ones with energy measurements to help you manage usage are too technical and require insider knowledge and background to navigate. Some of this can be quite difficult to understand. The goal at Valta is to make energy management easy to understand by creating an elegant, yet simple to use system that can truly help people manage their energy usage without sacrificing their life style. Valta believes being energy efficient no longer just means turning down the thermostat, or turning off the light when you leave the room, it means eliminating energy waste. Valta provides a tool to use energy without wasting it, and help users to adopt more sustainable usage patterns.

Press Kit:

Here are our product videos posted on youtube:



Here are our product videos posted on vimeo:


For product pictures, we have posted on behance at the following link for ease of download: http://www.behance.net/gallery/valta-remote-energy-management-system/9488837

Media Contacts


Jeff Lin




Tom Boyd

Flat Earth Media




via WordPress http://beautifulworld2013.wordpress.com/2013/07/07/valta-energy-usage-simplified-kickstarter/

Friday, July 5, 2013

BALLON: A Short Film #kickstarter


A ballerina caught in the cycle of partying and cocaine-fueled rehearsals must confront her addiction when she crumbles at an audition.


Ballon allows the audience a glimpse into Marin’s chaotic cycle of partying and professionalism, spanning a 24 hour period. Striving for perfection but caught in a self-destructive pattern of habits, she feels that her life can only operate in a heightened mode. When we meet Marin, cocaine is the center of her universe — the thing that gets her through all-day rehearsals and all-night benders. And it’s killing her. Marin uses the drug as a driving force through her day, until she reaches a breaking point during the audition of a lifetime. Marin’s ballet company is filled with young women who have admired Marin for years, so her embarrissing crash resonates with the group. Only Emily, a fresh-faced dancer new to this world, has the courage to confront Marin and offer her a lifeline. Marin must decide if she’s ready to be honest and look at what her life has become. Making a change will mean leaving behind the life — and the dream — that she knows.

In this heavily stylistic film, you’ll be swept into the emotional world of the dance floor, both in a nightclub and within a ballet company’s walls. The juxtaposition of the music and ambiance of the two spaces will visually stimulate the audience, and allow you to live in the moment with Marin.

Ballon will be entertaining, emotionally engaging, and a piece that sheds light on the dangers of demanding too much of oneself. Inspired by her own observations in the dance world, director Alexis O. Korycinski brought the idea to writer Julia Cox who immediately responded to the concept and penned the piece. Together, they bring you the journey of one broken woman’s path to self-examination. The creative and production team has backgrounds in film, theatre, and dance, and Ballon is a labor of love they are proud to share.

Did we mention there’s an underwater dance sequence?!

RelevĂ© (Here’s Where You Come In)

Whether you are a dancer, dance enthusiast, or someone who’s eyes get a bit wider after seeing an eloquent dance, WE WANT YOU! We welcome each and every one of you to the Ballon Family with open arms! We are creating a community eager to make a change. A change for self-awareness. A change within the dance community. A change for young people demanding beyond their means.

Your support on this project will help us build Marin’s chaotic world.

Check out our Rewards section for our rad kickbacks!!


Private Instagram Access:

For $10 you will have access to the private Instagram where you will see photos from the cast and crew.


For $500 (only 20 available) you will receive a private headshot session (does not include hair and makeup) in Los Angeles with the director. This must be redeemed within one year, and you’ll need to provide your own travel to Los Angeles and accommodations once you’re here. Please see examples below.

Original artwork:

Thaddeus T. Chapman will paint original paintings inspired by Ballon for the $5000 and $10,000 Rewards. Please see examples of his work below.

Thaddeus T Chapman has been a professional painter based in Central New York since 2000. In 2012, he relocated to the Central Coast of California.

His paintings are created using gouache on rice paper—a technique that utilizes layers of the heavier, more opaque water-based paint on thin rice paper creating works with greater reflective qualities. “I use the techniques of abstract expressionism and apply them to my figurative work” says Thaddeus, who describes his style as figurative abstraction. Chapman utilizes reference photos of his subjects, which he uses to develop drawings. Although he considers himself a portrait painter, his works vary from landscapes to abstracts and nudes. For more examples please visit his website:http://thaddeustchapman.com

Where Will The Money Go?

Every penny will go directly towards Ballon! We’ve got some work to do! Your support will lend itself towards -

  • costumes

  • hair & makeup (we have to get Shelby to look like a druggie!)

  • set

  • location fees & permits (because we want to do good by LA)

  • top notch filming equipment

  • food for cast & crew (“Please, sir, can I have some more?” Of course you can because we have plenty of food thanks to our donors!)

  • underwater gear (oh yeah — here’s our underwater scene plug again)

  • editing

  • paying for all of the fantastic kickbacks you’ll be receiving shortly!

  • and…. taxes! We must do right by Kickstarter. They’re good people.



via WordPress http://beautifulworld2013.wordpress.com/2013/07/06/ballon-a-short-film-kickstarter/

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Bull Run Game for Iphone, Android And Tablet #Kickstarter


Help the raging bull reach the Bull Ring. Squashing runners and tomatoes while avoiding obstacles along the way..

Bull Run is designed for the i-phone, Android and Tablet market. I have been working on the Bull Run project since Autumn 2012. So far I have been working on it on a part-time basis. With your support I can afford to work on this project full time. I plan to have level 1 completed by October 2013 with two more levels completed by February 2014.

The money raised will also go towards employing a programmer for the game. I have worked hard to get this far and I am determined to see this project through to a successful conclusion.

via WordPress http://beautifulworld2013.wordpress.com/2013/07/03/the-bull-run-game-for-iphone-android-and-tablet-kickstarter/