Monday, May 20, 2013

The Surrender Kickstarter – 24 days to go!


Be inspired to shift life purpose and meaning by focusing on empowering photographic and word images that take you beyond the norm.

Surrender is a provocative and visually striking photographic essay that primarily honors women, while also honoring the dignity of life altogether.

Surrender honors women by stimulating the surrender of our outdated views and attitudes towards women; views and attitudes of both men and women. It honors the dignity of life by clarifying life purpose and meaning through a spiritual narrative, releasing the stunning inner images that speak through spiritual awareness. Through the photographic and word images alike, it celebrates the innate beauty of the human figure and soul, as we stand naked before God in all our innocence. Some even say that Surrender is about Mary Magdalene’s empathic experiencing of the Jesus’ last days.

However, this book is not about religion, or even spirituality. Surrender is a book aboutyou! Surely, it will have its very own profound impact on you—and it could well empower you beyond measure.

Surrender will be printed in a 9” X 9” format, using a tri-tone process to make these exquisite black and white images look as close as possible to their archival print counterparts.

Some background: Although I have authored and published 16 spiritual books with three different publishers in the past 7-8 years, photograph books are exceptionally expensive and thus difficult to publish. When combined with the nature of these photographs, publishers have been reluctant to address spiritual issues using such powerful images.

Even so, I’ve worked diligently to see that Surrender has as least found its way into many individual collections through the Amazon/Kindle digital publishing program. (See this version on my website: Since its release a little over a year ago, readers continue to clamor for a first rate tabletop hard copy, as well as wanting to obtain prints of the images themselves.

Recently, two artist friends who also happen to be gallery owners—both of whom have contributed commentary to this book—suggested that rather than trying to get galleries to make all the images available at once, perhaps publishing the collection in book form would do the trick—thus putting the entire collection and related perks into the hands of artistically and spiritually motivated patrons at much less expense. Eureka!

Archival limited edition perk to you!Archival limited edition perk to you!

So here it is. Surrender is fully designed and ready to go. It’s up to us now. Let’s show the world what it really means to collaborate!

Why you should participate?

  • Because you’d be the proud owners, not only of an autographed, limited edition classic photo book of black and white images and sterling commentary, but also—depending on the level of support provided—the possessor of a signed, limited edition archival gelatin silver photograph for your collection.

  • Because you’re a good friend, a loving family member, a treasured member of my computer-based social family or simply interested in fine art photography and/or spiritual issues.

  • Because you’re interested in issues of the heart and being empowered by deeper meaning gained from a variety of sources.

  • Because you would like to share this abundance with other loved ones, those who also appreciate such approaches to deeper meaning and clearer purpose.

  • Because you’d like a book on your coffee table that could spark interesting conversations with neighbors, visitors, friends, colleagues and family.

  • Because you think the body of work deserves to be published, and are moved to be part of bringing this creative venture to fruition.

Whatever your reason(s), I invite you to join me in making this project a reality by making finances available pertinent to your level of desire and interest.

The cost for publishing a limited edition of Surrender is $8500. This is not inexpensive, but this is what it takes to make a great book—a book you can give for a special occasion, and get lost in for a change of inner scenery, which is sure to also transform how you see life—from the inside, out.

Over the years, I’ve invested far more than this amount of money, plus immeasurable time and energy, to bring the images and the Amazon/Kindle version of Surrender to fruition. And I’ve contributed hundreds of books from my collection to others, simply to help “seed” the spiritual development of interested persons. Now, at this point, I’m asking for your help to make this single printed version a reality.

For all these reasons, I would greatly appreciate your generosity of spirit, both financially and by telling your friends about this opportunity, so they, too, can join in.

Thank you!

Jim Young

via WordPress

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