Thursday, February 28, 2013

Keep Georgia on your mind! Help her recover from ALS #Indiegogo


Lets make it happen

Do you believe in miracles? I need a miracle to heal and get back my life. Please help to make it happen. Keep Georgia on your mind!

I am Georgia and this is my story…

Around Sept of 2007, suddenly and after a major fall from some stairs, my left hand started to feel weird, awkward and slow in movement. Much later, the right hand followed, and later I had some difficulty in swallowing, I started walking slower and developed balance issues, my speech slurred when stressed, and I felt some stiffness in my legs. My condition was slowly deteriorating, but doctors would not give me a diagnosis. After more than 2 years of visiting a handful of doctors in Greece, Italy and Germany, there was still no diagnosis. In the USA I was diagnosed with a motor neuron disease “most probably ALS” (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) as the doctor said. When I returned to Greece and since no hope for survival was given to me in the US, I did endless research eventually leading me to Lyme disease. After numerous blood tests and contacts and visits to more doctors, I was finally diagnosed with Late Stage Chronic Lyme disease/ALS manifestation. Whatever my illness is though, it’s killing me and ultimately all that matters is what to do about it.

Antibiotics intravenously, intramuscularly, orally, supplements, vitamins, physical therapy are some of the things I’ve done and do. In August 2011, I started treatment with embryonic stem cells in India. During my first 2 month stay, some improvement was accomplished for the first time. The goal was made clear to me from the very first contact: Stabilization. I’ve visited India 2 more times, in Feb 2012 for one month and then in June 2012 for almost six months. Now our target is to totally stabilize my condition so that improvement may then slowly be possible.

Stabilization is happening. My balance though is getting a little worse. You can see my current condition in the video. I need to continue treatment. I need to stay alive until a new method, drug or treatment is made available to heal me.

Due to being unable to work for many years now, plus the enormous medical expenses, a lot of travels and the serious Greek economic crisis, my family’s cash reserves diminished steadily and are now totally depleted.

Some of you helped me in 2011 and you’ve been with me ever since. Help me again please. Help me make this miracle happen. I can win this. But only with your kind support. I need at least $20,000 to continue treatment in India, since it is the only option for now. That’s why I’ve decided to launch this campaign here. My blog gives you the possibility to contribute at any time through PayPal or by bank transfer. This will be an intensive and fixed date campaign. You can use either PayPal or just your credit card. Any amount helps. But also, your SHARE helps! Make some noise!

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